Annual Report 2022

Aerial view of a plant with green overlay (graphic)

GRI Index

General Disclosures

GRI 1 – Foundation (2021)

GRI 2 – General Disclosures (2021)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Information on employees and other workers








Workers who are not employees






Around the world, Covestro has about 350 temporary employees, corresponding to approximately 2.0% of our workforce.
In addition, a number of people work for Covestro externally through contracts for work or service agreements.
It is not possible to determine the precise number, since performance is defined via trades or in service-level agreements rather than by the number of people or the hours worked.



Statement from the most senior decision-maker








Policy Commitments




The policies applicable throughout the Group have been approved by the Board of Management. Communications are conducted via the internet, intranet, and site-specific communication channels.



Compliance with laws and regulations





In fiscal 2022, no significant administrative or court-ordered sanctions (fines, nonmonetary sanctions) for noncompliance with laws and regulations were reported through internal reporting.



Membership of associations







Approach to stakeholder engagement







Collective bargaining agreements





Specific Standard Disclosures

GRI 200 – Economic topics

GRI 201 – Economic Performance (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Direct economic value generated and distributed






GRI 204 – Procurement Practices (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Proportion of spending on local suppliers





Since our locations in Germany, the United States and China cover most of our procurement volume, the sites located in these countries are referred to as main sites within the meaning of the GRI terminology. Local procurement is regarded as purchasing from suppliers located in the same country as the legal entity they supply.

GRI 205 – Anti-corruption (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach







Operations assessed for risks related to corruption





A risk analysis was conducted for every country/every company in the year 2022.
Definition of location of operations as a legal entity.

GRI 206 – Anti-competitive Behavior (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach







Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices






No actions were reported through internal reporting in fiscal 2022.

GRI 207 – Tax (2019)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Approach to tax








Tax governance, control, and risk management







Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax







Country-by-country reporting






A country-by-country report is not currently provided.

GRI 300 – Environmental topics

GRI 302 – Energy (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach







Energy consumption within the organization








Energy intensity








Reduction of energy consumption





In 2005, Covestro began to introduce a certified energy management system. This requires that we compare our performance with a designated base year, and that year was 2005.

GRI 303 – Water (2018)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach







Interactions with water as a shared resource







Management of water discharge-related impacts




The standards to be applied are oriented to local laws.



Water withdrawal




Water withdrawal is measured in m3 (cubic meters) since this is the more common approach to measurement. Here, 1 megaliter (ML) corresponds to 1,000 m3.
Usage of other than fresh water <1,000 mg TDS/l: Pursuant to ISO 14046, Covestro uses no water from sea water sources, thus there is no figure for this in the water balance. At some facilities, it is possible that brackish water >1,000 mg TDS/l is used as cooling water. These amounts are included in the water balance and not reported separately. This water can be returned to the water cycle without further treatment in line with the relevant official permits.

GRI 305 – Emissions (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions





Biogenic CO2 emissions are not reported because they are irrelevant.



Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions








Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions








GHG emissions intensity





Disclosure as CO2 equivalent of specific GHG. Emissions of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) have been recorded.



Reduction of GHG emissions





Greenhouse gas emissions are reported separately for Scopes 1 and 2. When considering GHG reductions, the specific greenhouse gas emissions are calculated using the total emissions for Scopes 1 and 2 because otherwise any shifts between the categories would lessen the informative value of the results.



Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions





Reporting focuses on significant air emissions; persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and hazardous organic pollutants (HAPs) are not reported.
Air emissions are generally measured directly at the source of the emission or are calculated from the stoichiometric determination of the formula mass.

GRI 306 – Waste (2020)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach







Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts







Management of significant waste-related impacts







Waste generated








Waste diverted from disposal





The distinction of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is only drawn for landfill waste; no differentiation is made for other disposal methods.

GRI 308 – Supplier Environmental Assessment










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken





GRI 400 – Social topics

GRI 401 – Employment (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








New employee hires and employee turnover





In fiscal 2022, the gender distribution of new hires and the attrition rate was broken down into male and female, as the company was not aware of any employees with other gender identities. Reference is made in the footnote to the small number of employees who did not state their gender. If this should change, the tables will be adjusted accordingly in future.

GRI 403 – Occupational Health and Safety (2018)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Occupational health and safety management system





A list of the legal requirements has been dispensed with. The integrated management system for occupational health and safety covers all our employees across the Group and in some cases also our contractors, regardless of the type of work environment or activity performed.



Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation





Every employee, contractor or – as appropriate – visitor must comply with the applicable occupational safety procedures, rules, and relevant protective measures. Employees are authorized to withdraw from work situations that seem to them to represent a direct and serious threat to their lives or health. They are obligated to report such situations to their supervisors immediately. Employees may not be sanctioned for such actions.



Occupational health services





Depending on site-specific local circumstances, there are dedicated occupational health staff or occupational health services are provided in conjunction with external parties. A country-specific description of the functions of the occupational health services has been dispensed with.



Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety





Depending on legal requirements, some sites have formal employer-employee committees for occupational health and safety that hold regular meetings. In Germany, for instance, this is the occupational safety and health committee as legally required by Section 11 of the Act on Occupational Physicians, Safety Engineers and Other Occupational Safety Specialists (AsiG). All sites are networked in corresponding regional HSE communities. A country-specific list and a description of the committees has been dispensed with.



Worker training on occupational health and safety





Our employees receive the applicable statutorily required training as well as further training that exceeds these requirements depending on the individual circumstances at our sites. Our contractors receive site-specific safety instructions.



Promotion of worker health





Voluntary services for the promotion and maintenance of health are made available only to Covestro employees.



Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships








Work-related injuries





We record the most important types and frequency of work-related injuries for all employee groups according to the ASTM standard E2920-14, “Severe Incidents and Fatalities” (A. deaths, B. life-changing/life-altering cases, C. other).

GRI 404 – Training and Education (2016)










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Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs





GRI 405 – Diversity and Equal Opportunity (2016)










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Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Diversity of governance bodies and employees




At the end of the year 2022, the Supervisory Board consisted of six women (50%) and six men (50%). The age structure is as follows: 0% are 30–50 years old, and 100% are over 50. Membership in a minority is not recorded for legal reasons. In fiscal 2022, the gender distribution of employees was broken down into male and female, as the company was not aware of any employees with other gender identities. Reference is made in the footnote to the small number of employees who did not state their gender. If this should change, the tables will be adjusted accordingly in future.

GRI 406 – Non-discrimination (2016)










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Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken






For confidentiality reasons, we do not disclose the type and scope of the incidents reported.

GRI 407 – Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining










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Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk




In fiscal 2022, no significant cases were reported using formal grievance mechanisms. There was no high risk for the sites in the year 2021, as the local heads of Human Resources and the local managing directors are required by internal rules to maintain a regular exchange of information with unions and employee representatives.

GRI 414 – Supplier Social Assessment (2016)










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Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken





GRI 415 – Public Policy (2016)










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Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach







Political contributions






GRI 416 – Customer Health and Safety (2016)










Disclosure number


Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services





No significant incidents were reported through internal reporting in fiscal 2022.

GRI 417 – Marketing and Labeling (2016)










Disclosure number


Disclosure title


Section in Annual Report


Section in supplementary information on sustainability





Management Approach








Requirements for product and service information and labeling








Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling





No significant incidents were reported through internal reporting in fiscal 2022.

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