3. Accounting Policies and Valuation Principles
Covestro’s consolidated financial statements are based on the principle of the historical cost of acquisition or production. Exceptions are items measured at fair value, such as certain financial assets, assets held for sale, plan assets, and reportable derivatives.
Discretionary Decisions and Estimation Uncertainties
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Covestro management has to make assumptions and estimates to a certain extent that may substantially impact the presentation of the Covestro Group’s net assets, financial position, and results of operations and could deviate from the actual results. Such assumptions, estimates, and the exercise of discretion mainly relate to the following areas:
- The identification and valuation of intangible assets and liabilities in the context of purchase price allocation in connection with the acquisition of companies
- Defining the useful life of noncurrent assets
- The identification of impairment losses or reversals of impairment losses on noncurrent assets, taking individual lower value thresholds into account
- The determination of cash-generating units for the purpose of centralized impairment tests of noncurrent assets
- Goodwill impairment testing including long-term planning assumptions with respect to growth and profitability using discounted cash flows in the context of central impairment tests
- Accounting for income taxes and assessing the recoverability of deferred tax assets in respect to future taxable income and the recognition of tax effects in the future
- Recognition and measurement of provisions (e.g., for litigation-related expenses, pensions and other employee benefits, other taxes, environmental compliance and remediation costs, and product liability)
- The determination of assumptions underlying the recognition, measurement, and disclosure of financial instruments
The risks relating to the impacts of the current crisis caused by Russia’s war against Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic are taken into account here. In addition, Covestro’s management must decide which information is relevant to readers of the IFRS consolidated financial statements and should be included in the notes. Information about exercising discretion in the application of accounting policies that most significantly affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements, and about estimates and assumptions, is disclosed in the following notes. The following estimates are based on historical experience and assumptions that are believed to be reasonable. They are reviewed on an ongoing basis, but may differ from the actual values subsequently recognized.
Climate-related Impacts
Covestro is striving to become climate-neutral and has set itself the target of achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions* in its own production (Scope 1) and from the provision and use of energy produced outside the company (Scope 2) at all environmentally relevant sites by the year 2035. It is simultaneously also working on solutions to reduce emissions along the value chain. All the assumptions and estimates in these financial statements are based on the circumstances and assessments on the reporting date. On this basis, there are no identifiable specific indications of the need for the impairment of noncurrent assets, a significant adjustment to the remaining useful lives of assets, or impacts on existing or possible new environmental or dismantling obligations on reporting date. The Group will continuously review the basic assumptions made and will adjust them if necessary. In this context, Covestro also continuously monitors legislation regarding climate change as increasing legislative restrictions are anticipated in the future.
- See sections „Management“ of the Combined Management Report for details on how Covestro takes sustainability into account in its corporate strategy as well as its management and planning.
- See sections „Climate Neutrality” of the Combined Management Report for details on how Covestro takes sustainability into account in its corporate strategy as well as its management and planning.
*Achievement of net-zero GHG emissions is defined as a balance between anthropogenic production of GHG emissions (caused by the company’s own production activities and by the provision and use of energy produced outside the company) and anthropogenic reduction of GHG emissions.
As of December 31, 2022, the direct and indirect subsidiaries of Covestro AG were fully consolidated in accordance with the principles of IFRS 10 (Consolidated Financial Statements). In addition, joint arrangements as defined by IFRS 11 (Joint Arrangements) were classified as joint operations and consolidated proportionately in the consolidated financial statements, or classified as joint ventures and accounted for in the same way as associated companies using the equity method in accordance with IAS 28 (Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures).
Joint Operations and Joint Ventures
Joint operations and joint ventures are based on joint arrangements. A joint arrangement is deemed to exist if Covestro AG, through a contractual agreement, indirectly or directly jointly controls an activity together with one or more third parties. Joint control is only deemed to exist if decisions regarding the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control over the arrangement have rights to the assets attributable to the arrangement and obligations with regard to the liabilities attributable to the arrangement. The Covestro Group recognizes the share of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses in accordance with its rights and obligations in a joint operation.
A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control over the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement. Joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method.
Associates over which Covestro AG is able to exercise significant influence, directly or indirectly, generally through an ownership interest between 20% and 50%, are also accounted for using the equity method.
Change in Ownership Interest
A change in the interest in a subsidiary without acquiring or losing control is accounted for as an equity transaction and has no impact on the income statement.
If the Group loses control over a subsidiary, then the associated assets (including proportional goodwill), liabilities, noncontrolling interests, and other equity items are derecognized. Any resulting gain or loss is recognized in the income statement, and any equity interest retained is measured at fair value on this date and recognized. In the event of joint control, the aforementioned provisions would be applied to joint operations and joint ventures. If the Group maintains significant influence, then as a rule, the equity interest in the associated company continues to be accounted for using the equity method after the initial measurement.
Currency Translation
The financial statements of the individual companies included in the consolidated financial statements are prepared in their respective functional currencies. The majority of consolidated companies carry out their activities autonomously from a financial, economic, and organizational point of view, and their functional currencies are therefore the respective local currencies.
In the separate financial statements of the foreign companies, receivables and liabilities in currencies other than the respective functional currency are translated at closing rates. Related exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss and recorded as exchange gains or losses under other financial result.
In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of Covestro companies whose functional currency is not the euro are translated into euros at closing rates at the start and end of the reporting period, while income and expense items and cash flows are translated into euros at average rates. Equity items are translated at historical rates. Foreign currency differences resulting from the translation of the figures disclosed in the financial statements of foreign companies are recognized directly in equity in the currency translation reserve.
Sales and Other Operating Income
All revenues from customer contracts, such as the selling of products or rendering of services, or from licensing agreements, are recognized as sales. Other operational revenues are recognized as other operating income.
In principle, the amount of consideration from a contract with a customer to which Covestro expects to be entitled in exchange for the transfer of goods or services is recognized as sales when the customer obtains control of the corresponding goods or services.
Sales are generated primarily from the sale of chemical products. In most cases, control over these products is transferred to the customer at a point in time.
Depending on the contractual agreements made and transportation clauses agreed upon with the customer, in the majority of cases control is transferred to the customer upon delivery at the place of destination, furthermore at the point in time of collection by the customer or upon handover to the freight carrier. In some cases, sales are made through consignment warehouses in which customers primarily obtain control over the delivered goods upon delivery to the consignment warehouse.
In principle, control is considered to be transferred when the customer can direct the use of the product to be delivered and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from the product, while this is no longer possible for Covestro.
Determining the point in time of the transfer of control involves considering additional indicators. In particular, it is considered at which point in time Covestro has a present right to payment for the product and when physical possession of the product or, in a broader sense, the possibility of sole access to the product, is transferred to the customer. Depending on the transportation clauses, the possibility of sole access to the product may be transferred even prior to arrival or physical handover of the product to the customer. Furthermore, the point in time when the legal title passes to the customer is also considered to the extent that it constitutes more than a protective right. The point in time when the significant rewards and risks of ownership of a product are transferred to the customer is usually linked closely with the aforementioned indicators and is therefore considered with these. Based on experience, it is assumed that products sold fulfill the agreed-upon specifications, thus acceptance by the customer is an indicator that does not generally affect the point in time at which control is transferred.
As a result, the point in time at which control is transferred depends on the contractual agreement concluded with the customer in each case and the stipulated transportation clauses.
In the case of products sold through a consignment warehouse, the customer generally obtains physical possession of this product upon delivery to the consignment warehouse. In addition, the right to payment for the delivered goods generally arises upon delivery. To the extent that the other three indicators do not lead to a contrary conclusion, control of the products in the case of a sale through a consignment warehouse transfers to the customer upon delivery to the consignment warehouse. The corresponding sales are therefore realized at the time of delivery.
Certain products are only sold to one customer. Some of these customer-specific products have no alternative use for Covestro. Insofar as Covestro has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date, sales are recognized on the basis of progress towards complete satisfaction of the performance obligation. As a rule, control over an individual customer-specific product is considered to be transferred when the generally short production process is completed successfully and the product has been tested to confirm that the agreed-upon specifications have been met.
To the extent that, for certain types of performance obligations that are satisfied over time, there is a right to consideration in an amount that corresponds directly with the value of the performance provided by Covestro to date, revenue will normally be realized in the amount to which Covestro has a right to invoice.
Invoices are usually payable in 0 to 90 days. Contracts may contain early payment discounts or rebates. Rebates are generally retroactively granted based on the sales or volume of a period customarily spanning up to 12 months. Some contracts include pricing formulas used to determine the billable price at the time of delivery. Moreover, the final prices for certain contracts with customers are not yet fixed at the time of transfer of control. Instead, provisional prices are billed initially.
Sales are recognized in the amount of the transaction price that Covestro is expected to receive. Sales do not include amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., sales tax). Where consideration includes a variable component, for example due to the contractual clauses described, this component of the consideration is estimated either based on the expected value method or the most likely amount. The method producing the best estimate is used in this case. However, variable consideration is only taken into account to the extent it is not constrained as defined by IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers). Variable consideration is not constrained if it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of sales will not occur when the corresponding uncertainty is subsequently resolved. The transaction price of a contract is allocated to the performance obligations therein using the relative stand-alone selling prices, which generally correspond to the agreed upon prices. If the conditions are met, variable amounts are completely allocated to individual performance obligations.
Refund liabilities result particularly from rebates granted and total the amount of the rebate expected to be refunded, which is calculated based on the methods described. The rebate deemed to be due is reported in other liabilities under refund liabilities until payment.
As a rule, no warranties are issued beyond normal warranties that products will fulfill the agreed-upon specifications.
In the case of contracts with customers, Covestro generally does not expect more than one year to pass between the transfer of a product to a customer and the payment thereof. As a result, the agreed consideration is not adjusted for significant financing components. When incremental costs of obtaining a contract arise, these are immediately recognized as expenses, if the potential amortization period is one year or less.
Government Grants
Government grants are recognized if there is sufficient certainty that the benefits will be granted and the related conditions are met. Asset-related grants from third parties, such as investment grants, are reported under other receivables and liabilities and are recognized in profit or loss in accordance with the asset’s useful life. Depending on the circumstances, income-related grants are either offset against expenses or are recognized under other operating result. If realized in the income statement before the payment is received or if it is dependent on specific conditions, these are recognized as other receivables or other liabilities. Emission rights granted free of payment by government authorities are recognized in the statement of financial position at zero euros or at a reminder value. Emission rights acquired on the market in return for payment are capitalized at cost of acquisition and, if the fair value is lower than the acquisition cost, are impaired. Emissions caused generally result in return obligations which have to be recognized.
Research and Development Expenses
Research and development expenses are incurred in the Covestro Group for in-house research and development activities as well as research and development collaborations and alliances with third parties.
According to IFRSs, research costs cannot be capitalized. Development costs, on the other hand, must be capitalized according to closely defined conditions. An intangible asset must be recognized if there is reasonable certainty of receiving future cash flows that will cover an asset’s carrying amount. Covestro’s development projects are often subject to uncertainties, so the conditions for the capitalization of development costs are normally not satisfied. Each project or contract is reviewed to determine potential capitalization requirements. The recognition, measurement, and presentation rules for other intangible assets apply where development costs are capitalized.
Income Taxes
Income taxes comprise the taxes levied on taxable income in the individual countries along with changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities that are recognized in profit or loss. The income taxes recognized are reflected at the amounts likely to be payable or reimbursable under the statutory regulations in force, or already enacted in relation to future periods, at the end of the reporting period.
As a rule, deferred taxes are recognized in profit or loss. However, if deferred taxes relate to items recognized outside profit or loss in equity, they, too, are recognized directly in equity.
The probability that deferred tax assets resulting from temporary differences, tax credits or loss carryforwards can be utilized in the future is the subject of forecasts by the individual companies regarding the future earnings situation in the respective Covestro companies and other parameters.
Deferred tax liabilities are recognized on planned dividend payments by subsidiaries. Where no dividend payment or disposal of corresponding equity investments is planned for the foreseeable future, no deferred tax liability is recognized on the difference between the proportionate equity according to IFRSs and the tax base of the carrying amount of the investment in the subsidiary (outside basis differences).
The expected effects of uncertain deferred and actual income tax positions are estimated in accordance with IFRIC 23 (Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments) either based on the expected value method or the most likely amount. The method producing the best estimate is used in this case. Tax audits in which the relevant tax authority could take a view differing from Covestro’s legal position are by far the most important sources of estimation uncertainties for uncertain tax positions. Uncertain tax positions are accounted for under the assumption that the tax authorities will investigate all relevant matters and have all relevant information at their disposal.
Acquisition Accounting and Goodwill
Businesses acquired are accounted for pursuant to IFRS 3 (Business Combinations) using the acquisition method, which requires that all identifiable assets acquired and all (contingent) liabilities assumed be recognized and measured at their respective fair values on the date control is obtained. Ancillary acquisition costs are recognized as expenses in the periods in which they occur. If the purchase price or the consideration transferred exceeds the value of the equity acquired, goodwill is recognized. If the value of the equity acquired exceeds the purchase price or the consideration transferred by the acquirer, the difference is recognized in profit or loss after an additional review. Goodwill is not amortized. Its carrying amount is subjected to impairment testing annually or more often if there is any indication of possible impairment. Detailed explanations of impairment testing can be found under “Impairment Testing” in this note. Once an impairment loss has been recognized on goodwill, it generally cannot be reversed in subsequent periods. In the event of a restructuring, e.g., the reorganization of financial reporting processes, or external portfolio divestments, any associated goodwill is reallocated or is only proportionately reduced (IAS 36.86 et seq.).
The Covestro Group recognizes the components of noncontrolling interests in the acquiree either at fair value or at the noncontrolling interest’s proportionate share of the acquiree’s identified net assets. The Covestro Group exercises this option separately for each business combination in accordance with the standard.
Other Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill)
Other intangible assets are identifiable nonmonetary assets without physical substance, other than goodwill (such as software, rights, or capitalized development costs). Other intangible assets, such as individually acquired patents and technologies, are recognized at the cost of acquisition or production. Patents and technologies, licenses, and customer contracts acquired as part of a business combination are recognized at fair value as of the acquisition date and are amortized using the straight-line method if their useful life can be determined. The following useful lives are applied, except where the actual depletion demands a different amortization pattern:
Patents and technologies |
3 to 20 years |
Production rights, trademarks and licenses |
10 to 20 years |
Customer relationships and distribution rights |
7 to 20 years |
Software |
3 to 4 years |
Other rights and assets |
max. 20 years |
Determination of the expected useful lives of other intangible assets is based in particular on estimates of the period for which they will generate cash flows.
Other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and other intangible assets recognized, but not yet available for use, with a specified useful life are regularly tested for impairment, like goodwill.
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, plant and equipment are carried at the cost of acquisition or construction and depreciated using the straight-line method over the expected useful life. If necessary, the carrying amount is reduced by impairment losses or increased by impairment loss reversals. Right-of-use assets recognized in accordance with IFRS 16 (Leases) are also included in property, plant and equipment. The residual values and useful lives of assets are regularly reviewed and adjusted for expected changes as necessary.
If the construction phase or manufacturing process of property, plant or equipment extends over a period of 12 months or more, the interest incurred on borrowed capital up to the date of completion is capitalized as part of the cost of acquisition or construction in accordance with IAS 23 (Borrowing Costs).
Costs for regular, comprehensive maintenance work (such as the major overhaul of a technical facility) are capitalized as a separate component if they satisfy special recognition criteria.
The following depreciation periods are generally applied throughout the Covestro Group:
Buildings |
20 to 50 years |
Infrastructure |
10 to 20 years |
Storage tanks and pipelines |
10 to 20 years |
Plant installations |
6 to 20 years |
Machinery and equipment |
6 to 12 years |
Furniture and fixtures |
4 to 10 years |
Vehicles |
5 to 8 years |
Computer equipment |
3 to 5 years |
Laboratory and research facilities |
3 to 5 years |
Significant asset components with different useful lives are accounted for and depreciated separately.
When assets are sold, closed down, or scrapped, the difference between the recoverable amount, which normally amounts to the fair value less costs of disposal, and the net carrying amount of the assets is recognized as a gain or loss in other operating income or expenses, respectively.
A lease exists when the lessor grants the lessee the contractual right to control an identified asset for a specified period of time and in return the lessor receives consideration from the lessee.
When Covestro is the lessee in a lease, as a rule a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability (lease liability) are recognized in the statement of financial position on the date the underlying asset is made available for use to Covestro.
The right-of-use asset represents a lessee’s right to use the asset being leased in return for payment. Upon initial recognition, the right-of-use asset is generally capitalized at the amount of the corresponding lease liability plus any initial direct costs, any dismantling obligations, and lease payments made prior to the commencement date less any lease incentives received. For subsequent measurement, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the lease term. Contract modifications, as long as these are not measured as separate leases, and reassessment of the lease liability are also reflected in the right-of-use asset. The right-of-use asset is included in the property, plant and equipment line item in the statement of financial position. Impairment testing and reporting of any impairment losses or impairment loss reversals are carried out for the right-of-use assets in the statement of financial position in accordance with the regulations applicable to property, plant and equipment.
The lease liability represents the company’s obligation to make contractual lease payments and is measured as the present value of precisely these outstanding lease payments. While IFRS 16 (Leases) requires use of the interest rate implicit in the lease in order to calculate the present value, it is frequently not possible to ascertain this interest rate. Accordingly, the incremental borrowing rate is generally applied in discounting the lease payments. This rate depends on the term, currency, and start date of the lease. If the outstanding lease payments include fixed payments or variable lease payments that depend on an index or an interest rate, these are taken into consideration in the lease liabilities. Variable lease payments that depend on an index or an interest rate are measured at the underlying index or interest rate as soon as this is to be applied. If, as an exception, there are residual value guarantees, purchase options, or penalty fees, these are to be recognized accordingly in the lease liability to the extent that they are anticipated. At Covestro, lease agreements usually include fixed contractual terms. Additionally, options to extend and terminate the lease exist particularly for the rental of production and logistics infrastructure and of real estate. In order to assess whether options to extend or terminate the lease are reflected in the lease term, all relevant facts are examined to determine the existence of economic incentives to exercise or not to exercise these options. The lease term is only adjusted to reflect changes in the expectations regarding whether or not such options will be exercised if there is reasonable certainty. The effective interest method is used for the subsequent measurement of lease liabilities. Using this method, periodic lease payments with an effect on cash flows are divided into an interest portion that is recognized in profit or loss and a repayment portion not affecting profit or loss. Lease liabilities are reported under financial liabilities and classified as current or noncurrent according to their maturity.
Overall, effects on income from leases to be recognized in accordance with IFRS 16 comprise depreciation of the right-of-use asset and any impairment losses on the right-of-use asset (operating result), from discounting and subsequent measurement of the lease liability (financial result) and in cases in which a lease agreement is modified. Such lease modifications can result, for instance, from options to terminate or extend a lease which were previously not explicitly stipulated in the contract. Contractual lease payments for leases accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16 are shown solely under cash flows from financing activities.
IFRS 16 provides exemptions for applying the recognition and measurement rules for leases with a term of less than 12 months or those with a low-value underlying asset. Leases are not recognized as a depreciable right-of-use asset on the statement of financial position or as a lease liability at Covestro for the exceptions referenced above. Corresponding contractual payments are instead shown in cash flows from operating activities and the same amount is recognized as an expense in the operating result. Moreover, the rules in IFRS 16 are not applied to leases on intangible assets.
For leases in which Covestro is the lessor, a differentiation is made between finance leases and operating leases in accordance with IFRS 16. Leases that transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased asset to the lessee are treated as finance leases. At the commencement date, Covestro recognizes a lease receivable in the statement of financial position in the amount of the net investment in the lease and derecognizes the underlying asset from noncurrent assets. In an operating lease, the underlying asset continues to be shown under Covestro’s property, plant and equipment and depreciated over its useful life. Lease payments received are recognized as income.
Investment Property
Investment property is measured at cost unless a lower carrying amount is required. The fair values of investment property to be determined for disclosure purposes are mainly based on internally prepared valuations. In the case of buildings and developed land, this is carried out using a method known as the German income approach, and in the case of undeveloped land, using the sales comparison approach.
Inventories are recognized at their cost of acquisition or production (production-related full cost) – calculated by the weighted-average method – or at their net realizable value, whichever is lower. The net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less estimated cost to complete and selling expenses. Impairment losses on inventories are recognized if their net realizable value on the reporting date is lower than the value calculated using the weighted-average method. Impairment losses are reversed if the net recoverable amount subsequently exceeds the carrying amount.
Financial Instruments
Contracts are recognized as financial instruments in the financial statements which simultaneously give rise to a financial asset at one entity while resulting in a financial liability or equity instrument at another entity. Accordingly, financial assets are recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position if the Covestro Group has a contractual right to receive cash or other financial assets from another entity. Regular-way purchases and sales of financial assets are generally recognized on the settlement date. Financial liabilities are initially recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position if Covestro has a contractual obligation to transfer cash or other financial assets to another entity. With the exception of trade accounts receivable, financial instruments are measured at fair value plus directly attributable transaction costs upon initial recognition. For financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs are recognized directly in the income statement. Trade accounts receivable are recognized at their transaction price. Subsequent measurement of financial instruments is based on their classification in the categories stipulated by IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments).
Financial Assets
Financial assets comprise loans, acquired equity and debt instruments, cash and cash equivalents, other financial assets, and derivatives with positive fair values. The classification and measurement of financial assets is based on the business model pursued by the Covestro Group with regard to the management of its financial assets for the purpose of collecting cash flows, and on the characteristics of the contractual cash flows from the relevant financial assets (cash flow condition). Subsequent measurement takes place according to the measurement rules for the respective category, as described below.
Financial assets carried at amortized cost comprise nonderivative financial assets that are held as part of a business model that aims to collect contractual cash flows and that additionally fulfill the cash flow condition, i.e., the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. This category comprises trade accounts receivable, the loans included in other financial assets, the additional financial receivables reflected in other receivables, and cash and cash equivalents. Interest income from financial assets assigned to this category is determined using the effective interest method.
Financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income encompass debt instruments held as part of a business model that aims to obtain cash flows from the instrument both by collecting contractual payments as well as through the sale thereof, and that additionally fulfill the cash flow condition. Acquired bonds may be classified in this category to the extent that they are intended to be sold before they mature. Interest income, foreign currency gains and losses, and impairment losses or impairment loss reversals are recognized in the income statement for financial assets in this category. The remaining changes in fair value are recognized in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the cumulative net gains or losses included in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the income statement.
The Covestro Group exercises the option of recognizing changes in the fair value of equity instruments that are not held for trading in other comprehensive income. In contrast to the treatment of debt instruments, the gains and losses recognized in other comprehensive income are not reclassified to the income statement upon derecognition, and no impairment losses or impairment loss reversals are recognized in profit or loss.
Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss are all financial assets not assigned to any of the above categories and particularly include derivatives with positive fair values. The Covestro Group does not currently opt to measure financial assets at fair value, e.g., for the purpose of avoiding or minimizing accounting mismatches.
Financial assets are derecognized when contractual rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets expire or the financial assets are transferred together with all significant risks and rewards.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash, checks received, and balances with banks. Cash equivalents are highly liquid short-term financial investments that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, are easily convertible into a known amount of cash, and have a maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition or investment.
Cash Flows
The statement of cash flows shows how the Covestro Group’s cash and cash equivalents changed in the reporting year. In accordance with IAS 7 (Statement of Cash Flows), cash flows are broken down into cash flows from operating activities, cash flows from investing activities, and cash flows from financing activities.
The reported cash flows of foreign Covestro companies whose functional currency is not the euro are translated at average exchange rates, while cash and cash equivalents are recognized at the closing rate. This effect due to exchange rate movements is recognized in the separate line “Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate movements.”
When determining the cash flows from financing activities, Covestro exercises the option of recognizing dividend payments and profit withdrawals in cash flows from financing activities.
Cash flows from interest and dividends received are presented under cash flows from investing activities in the separate line “Interest and dividends received.”
Trade Accounts Payable
Trade accounts payable comprise current liabilities arising from the supply of goods and services, i.e., from the receipt of goods or services. These are based on agreements with the supplier, are invoiced and, in total, are part of working capital within Covestro’s normal business cycle.
Derivatives – such as forward exchange contracts – are used to mitigate the risk of fluctuations in exchange rates. Derivatives are recognized at the trade date.
Contracts concluded in order to receive or deliver nonfinancial goods for the company’s own purposes are not accounted for as derivatives but treated as pending transactions in accordance with IAS 37 (Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets). Where embedded derivatives are identified that are required to be separated from the pending transactions, they are accounted for separately. To cover possible peak demand, a nonmaterial volume of transactions may be entered into for which the possibility of immediate resale cannot be excluded. Such transactions are allocated to separate portfolios upon acquisition and accounted for as or like derivatives according to IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments).
Reportable derivatives are carried at fair value. This applies to what are known as stand-alone derivatives as well as derivatives embedded in certain types of contracts and therefore required to be accounted for separately from their host contracts. Positive fair values at the end of the reporting period are reflected in financial assets, negative fair values in financial liabilities. Changes in the fair values of these derivatives are recognized directly in profit or loss in other operating result. Changes in the fair values of forward exchange contracts and currency options serving as hedging instruments for items in the statement of financial position are divided into an interest and a currency component. The interest component is recognized in interest expense or income and the currency component is recognized as exchange gains or losses in the other financial result. Changes in the fair value of forward exchange contracts used to hedge forecasted transactions in foreign currencies are recognized in other operating result.
Covestro does not apply hedge accounting within the meaning of IFRS 9.
Financial Liabilities
Financial liabilities generally comprise primary financial liabilities and negative fair values of derivatives.
In subsequent periods, such nonderivative liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The Covestro Group does not opt to measure financial liabilities at fair value, e.g., to avoid or minimize accounting mismatches.
Financial liabilities are derecognized when the contractual obligation is discharged or canceled, or has expired.
Netting Financial Instruments
Financial assets and financial liabilities in the context of master netting or similar agreements are netted and the net amount is recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position if the Covestro Group has a present legal entitlement to offset the recognized amounts against one another and there is the intention to balance them on a net basis or at the same time to settle the corresponding liability with realization of the asset.
Provisions for Pensions and Other Post-Employment Benefits
Within the Covestro Group, post-employment benefits are provided under defined contribution and defined benefit plans. In the case of defined contribution plans, the company pays contributions to publicly or privately administered pension plans on a mandatory, contractual, or voluntary basis. Once the contributions have been paid, the company has no further payment obligations. The regular contributions constitute expenses for the year in which they are due. As such, they are included in the functional cost items, and thus in EBIT. All other post-employment benefit systems are defined benefit plans, which may be either unfunded, i.e., financed by provisions, or funded, i.e., financed through pension funds.
The present value of the defined benefit obligations and the resulting expense are calculated in accordance with IAS 19 (Employee Benefits) using the projected unit credit method. The future benefit obligations are valued by actuarial methods and spread over the entire employment period on the basis of specific assumptions regarding beneficiary structure and the economic environment. These relate mainly to the discount rate, future salary and pension increases, variations in health care costs, and mortality rates.
The discount rates used are calculated from the yields of high-quality corporate bond portfolios in specific currencies with cash flows approximately equivalent to the expected disbursements from the pension plans. The uniform discount rate derived from this interest rate structure is thus based on the yields, on the closing date, of a portfolio of corporate bonds with at least an AA or AAA rating whose weighted residual maturities approximately correspond to the duration necessary to cover the entire benefit obligation.
The fair value of plan assets is deducted from the present value of the defined benefit obligation for pensions and other post-employment benefits to determine the net defined benefit liability. Plan assets in excess of the benefit obligation are reflected in other receivables, subject to the asset ceiling specified in IAS 19. Comprehensive actuarial valuations for all major plans are performed annually as of December 31.
The balance of all income and expenses relating to defined benefit plans, except the net interest on the net liability, is recognized in EBIT. The net interest is reflected in the financial result.
The effects of remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability are reflected in other comprehensive income. They consist of actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan assets, and changes in the effects of the asset ceiling, less the respective amounts included in net interest for the last two components. Deferred taxes relating to the effects of remeasurements are also recognized in other comprehensive income.
Other Provisions
Other provisions are measured in accordance with IAS 37 (Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets) or, where applicable, IAS 19 (Employee Benefits). Where the cash outflow to settle an obligation is expected to occur after one year, the provision is recognized at the present value of the expected cash outflow. Claims for reimbursements from third parties are separately recognized in other receivables if their realization is virtually certain.
If the projected obligation declines as a result of a change in the estimate, the provision is reversed by the corresponding amount and the resulting income generally recognized in the functional cost item(s) in which the original charge was recognized.
To enhance the information content of the estimates, certain provisions that could have a material effect on the net assets, financial position, and results of operations are selected and tested for their sensitivity to changes in the underlying parameters using sensitivity analysis. To reflect uncertainty about the likelihood of the assumed events actually occurring, the impact of a five-percentage-point change in the probability of occurrence is examined in each case.
Provisions for environmental protection are recognized if future cash outflows are likely to be necessary to ensure compliance with environmental regulations or to carry out remediation work based on an obligation, such costs can be reliably estimated, and no future benefits are expected from such measures.
Estimating the future costs of environmental protection and remediation involves many uncertainties, particularly with regard to the status of laws, regulations, and the information available about conditions in the various countries and at the individual sites. Significant factors in estimating the costs include previous experiences in similar cases, the conclusions in expert opinions obtained for existing environmental programs, current costs, and new developments affecting these costs. Also taken into consideration are management’s interpretation of current environmental laws and regulations, the number and financial position of third parties that may become obligated to participate in any remediation costs on the basis of joint liability, and the remediation methods likely to be deployed. Changes in these assumptions could impact future reported results.
Taking into consideration experience gained to date regarding environmental matters of a similar nature, Covestro’s management believes the existing provisions to be adequate based upon currently available information. Given the business environment in which the Covestro Group operates and the inherent difficulties in accurately estimating environmental liabilities, material additional costs beyond the amounts accrued may be incurred under certain circumstances. It may transpire during remediation work that additional expenditures are necessary over an extended period and that these exceed existing provisions and cannot be reasonably estimated.
Provisions for restructuring are based either on a legal or a constructive external obligation. They only cover expenses that arise directly from restructuring measures, are necessary for restructuring, and are not related to future business operations. Such expenses include severance payments to employees and compensation payments in respect of rented property that can no longer be used. Prior to recognition of this type of provision, the associated assets are tested for impairment.
Restructuring measures may include the sale or termination of business units, site closures, relocations of business activities, leveraging of portfolio synergies, or fundamental reorganizations of business units. The respective provisions are recognized when a detailed restructuring plan has been drawn up, resolved by the responsible decision-making level of management, and communicated to the affected employees and/or their representatives. Provisions for restructuring are generally recognized at the present value of future cash outflows.
As a company with international operations, the Covestro Group is exposed to numerous legal risks for which provisions for litigation must be recognized under certain conditions – especially in the areas of product liability, competition and antitrust law, patent disputes, tax law, environmental law, and compliance issues such as corruption and export control.
Litigation and other judicial proceedings often raise complex issues and are subject to many uncertainties and complexities including, but not limited to, the facts and circumstances of each particular case, the jurisdiction in which each suit is brought, and differences in applicable law. The outcomes of currently pending and future proceedings generally cannot be predicted. Judgment in court proceedings, regulatory decisions, or the conclusion of a settlement may result in the Covestro Group incurring charges for which no accounting measures have been taken for lack of reasonable estimate or which exceed established provisions and insurance coverage.
The Covestro Group considers the need for accounting measures in respect of pending or future litigations, and the extent of any such measures, on the basis of the information available to its Law, Intellectual Property & Compliance corporate function and in close consultation with legal counsel acting for the Covestro Group.
Where it is more likely than not that such litigation will result in an outflow of resources that is already reasonably estimable, a provision for litigation is normally recognized in the amount of the present value of the expected cash outflows. Such provisions cover the estimated unavoidable payments to the plaintiffs, court and procedural costs, attorney costs, and the cost of potential settlements.
It is often impossible to reliably determine the existence of a present obligation or reasonably estimate the probability that a potential outflow of resources will result from pending or future litigation. Due to the special nature of these litigation, provisions are generally not established until initial settlements allow an estimate of potential amounts or judgments have been issued, and not before at least a range of possible legal outcomes of such litigations can be determined. Provisions for legal defense costs are recognized if it is probable that material costs will have to be incurred for external legal counsel to defend the company’s legal position and an outflow of resources can generally be expected.
Internal and external legal counsels evaluate the current status of the material legal risks to the Covestro Group at the end of each reporting period. The need to recognized or adjust a provision and the amount of the provision or adjustment are determined on this basis. Adjusting events are reflected up to the date of preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
Personnel-related provisions are mainly those recorded for variable one-time payments, individual performance awards, long-service awards, severance payments in connection with early retirement arrangements, surpluses on long-term accounts, and other personnel costs. Since January 1, 2022, calculation of the provision for short-term variable compensation (“Covestro Profit Sharing Plan”, “Covestro PSP”) has been based not only on the achievement of financial performance indicators such as Earnings Before Interest , Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), Free Operating Cash Flow (FOCF), and Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) above Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), but also on a sustainability component measured on the basis of selected environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. In fiscal 2022, measurement was based on selected environmental criteria.
Obligations under share-based compensation programs that provide for awards payable in cash are also included in personnel-related provisions (“Prisma”). The compensation of the Board of Management of Covestro AG and of managerial employees includes cash compensation based on the share price that are earned with lock-up periods and are reflected in profit or loss as personnel expenses in line with the consideration paid in the performance period. They are measured using a subscription price model at the time of granting and at each reporting date in accordance with IFRS 2 (Share-based Payment). In 2021, Prisma was expanded to include a sustainability component that covers Covestro’s target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents, CO2e).
Miscellaneous provisions include those for other liabilities, for product liability, for warranty, and insurance payments. Rebates to be granted to customers, on the other hand are reported under refund liabilities.
Other Receivables and Liabilities
Other receivables are measured at fair value plus the transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset.
Pending Transactions
Pending transactions relating to contributions in kind (“executory contracts”), i.e., agreements in relation to which (to a degree) neither the service nor the consideration has been rendered, are not recognized in the statement of financial position on the reporting date if there is no risk of a loss on the reporting date. If there is the risk of a loss, this is generally anticipated in the form of provisions if all the other requirements are met. In contrast, gains anticipated from such agreements on the reporting date may not be recognized in the statement of financial position. Examples of executory procurement contracts include contracts regarding the procurement of energy for the operation of production facilities, which also includes what are known as power purchase agreements (PPA) for the procurement of power from renewable energy. In comparison, pending transactions in the area of the application of the rules regarding financial instruments (financial derivatives) are to be recognized on the reporting date in the amount of the negative fair value if a loss is expected and in the amount of the positive fair value if a gain is expected.
Impairment Testing
If there are indications that an individual intangible asset that does not constitute goodwill (other intangible asset) or property, plant and equipment may be impaired, the recoverable amount is compared to the carrying amount to determine whether it is higher or lower. The recoverable amount is generally the higher of the value in use or the fair value less costs of disposal. If the recoverable amount does not exceed the respective carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss in the amount of the difference between the carrying amount and the recoverable amount. If the reasons for a previously recognized impairment loss no longer apply, the impairment loss is reversed in profit or loss provided that the reversal does not cause the carrying amount to exceed the original (amortized) cost of acquisition or production. Impairment losses and any impairment loss reversals are recognized in the functional cost in the same way as depreciation and amortization, depending on the use of the respective assets.
In addition to impairment testing of individual items of property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets, cash-generating units are globally tested if there is indication of impairment. Recognized goodwill is tested for impairment if there is indication of impairment, but at least once a year. Testing is generally done in the fourth quarter at the level of (groups of) cash-generating units.
A cash-generating unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. As a rule, Covestro considers strategic business entities to be cash-generating units. They represent the reporting level below the seven business entities that form the two reportable segments, Performance Materials and Solutions & Specialties. In cases where recognized goodwill in groups of cash-generating units is tested for impairment annually, the level tested is the relevant business entity.
If recognizing an impairment loss is required at the level of a CGU or group of CGUs, goodwill is written down first. In cases where the necessary impairment loss exceeds the goodwill written down, the remaining charge is distributed across other noncurrent, nonfinancial assets in proportion to their carrying amount. The impairment loss on goodwill is reported in other operating expenses. Impairment losses on goodwill may not be reversed.
The recoverable amount of a CGU or group of CGUs is equal to the fair value less costs of disposal. This calculation is based on the present value of the future cash flows since no market price can be determined for the individual units. The forecasts of future cash flows for determining the recoverable amount are based on the Covestro Group’s current planning, which generally extends over 10 years, although a shorter detailed planning period of generally five years is used for assessment purposes. In certain cases, shorter or longer planning horizons are also considered if advisable due to specific assumptions underlying the planning. Assumptions made for purposes of forecasting cash flows mainly concern future selling prices and volumes, costs, market growth rates, economic cycles, and exchange rates. Changes in these assumptions are based on the Group’s own estimates and external sources of information. Where the recoverable amount is the fair value less costs of disposal, this is measured from the viewpoint of an independent market participant. Cash flows beyond the detailed planning period are determined on the basis of the respective individual growth rates derived from market information and the associated long-term business expectations. The measurement of fair value less costs of disposal is based on unobservable inputs (“Level 3” of the fair value hierarchy).
The net cash inflows are discounted at the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), which is calculated as the weighted average cost of equity and cost of debt. To take into account the risk and return profile of the Covestro Group, an after-tax cost of capital is calculated, and a specific capital structure is defined via benchmarking against comparable companies in the same industry sector (“peer group”). The cost of equity corresponds to the return expected by shareholders, while the cost of debt is based on the terms at which the peer group can obtain long-term financing. In principle, both components are derived from capital market information.
The monitoring and management structure for recognized goodwill and the capital cost factors and growth rates used in annual impairment testing are presented in the following table for each CGU or group of CGUs. The growth assumptions reflect, in particular, economic cycles over several years as well as expectations for capacity and the market for each unit to be tested.
Impairment testing level or goodwill carrying unit |
Reporting level1 |
Segment |
Goodwill in million € |
Cost of capital in % |
Terminal value growth rate in % |
2021 |
2022 |
2021 |
2022 |
2022 |
Standard Diphenylmethan-Diisocyanat (SMDI) |
Strategic Business Area |
Performance Materials |
49 |
51 |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.5 |
Standard Toluylen-Diisocyanate (STDI) |
Strategic Business Area |
Performance Materials |
– |
– |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.5 |
Standard Polyether-Polyols (SPET) |
Strategic Business Area |
Performance Materials |
15 |
– |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.0 |
Standard Polycarbonate (SPCS) |
Strategic Business Area |
Performance Materials |
43 |
43 |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.0 |
Engineering Plastics (EP) |
Strategic Business Area |
Solutions & Specialties |
78 |
79 |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.5 |
Tailored Urethanes (TUR) |
Business Entity |
Solutions & Specialties |
17 |
– |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.1 |
Tailored Diphenylmethan-Diisocyanat (TMDI) |
Strategic Business Area |
Solutions & Specialties |
– |
– |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.1 |
Tailored Polyether-Polyols (TPET) |
Strategic Business Area |
Solutions & Specialties |
– |
– |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.1 |
Coatings & Adhesives (CA) |
Business Entity |
Solutions & Specialties |
534 |
535 |
6.8 |
8.0 |
1.5 |
Powder Coating Resins (PCR) |
Strategic Business Area |
Solutions & Specialties |
– |
– |
6.8 |
8.0 |
2.0 |
Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (TPU) |
Strategic Business Area |
Solutions & Specialties |
16 |
16 |
6.6 |
7.9 |
1.5 |
Other |
Strategic Business Area |
Solutions & Specialties |
5 |
5 |
6.6 |
7.9 |
0.0–1.8 |
In fiscal 2022, Russia’s war against Ukraine launched in February led to considerable negative changes in Covestro’s economic environment. In particular, the massive increase in energy prices, which can only be passed on to the customers to a limited degree in 2022, and anticipated weak demand as a consequence of the global economic slowdown resulted in a deterioration in the Group’s business prospects compared with the previous year. In view of this, the fact that Covestro’s market capitalization had already fallen below the Group’s equity in the second quarter of 2022, and, furthermore, that there was a significant increase in borrowing costs in 2022, all the cash-generating units were subjected to impairment testing if it could not be ruled out on the basis of previous calculations and the Group’s current unit-specific planning that the recoverable amount would fall below the carrying amount of the relevant unit.
The impairment testing performed centrally in the fourth quarter of 2022 determined that the recoverable amount of the cash-generating units SPET and STDI in the Performance Materials segment and of TMDI, PCR, and the goodwill-carrying unit TUR in the Solutions & Specialties segment was a total of €451 million below the carrying amount. The carrying amount including the net working capital of these cash-generating units and the goodwill attributed to TUR totaled €2,512 million (STDI: €1,125 million, SPET: €967 million) on the reporting date. After impairment losses of €18 million were already recognized for the SPET unit as early as at the half-year point in 2022 as the result of ad hoc centralized impairment testing, a further €418 million in impairment losses was consequently recognized in the fourth quarter as a result of the central impairment testing. These expenses were reported under production costs (€355 million), selling expenses (€46 million), and other operating expenses (€17 million). In the case of TMDI, the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount by €40 million, with an analysis of the carrying amount structure and the related recoverability of the individual assets showing that higher individual valuations could be assumed in each case.
The table below provides an overview of the impairments recorded per area and of the impaired balance sheet item:
Impairment testing level |
Impairment in million € |
Goodwill |
Other Intangibles, especially marketing & distribution rights |
Plant installations and machinery |
Land and buildings |
Standard Toluylen-Diisocyanate (STDI) |
99 |
– |
– |
45 |
54 |
Standard Polyether-Polyole (SPET) |
249 |
– |
– |
236 |
13 |
Tailored Urethanes (TUR) |
17 |
17 |
– |
– |
– |
Tailored Diphenylmethan-Diisocyanat (TMDI) |
7 |
– |
– |
6 |
1 |
Powder Coating Resins (PCR) |
46 |
– |
46 |
– |
– |
Taking into account the impairment of individual property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets, impairment losses in fiscal 2022 totaled €463 million (previous year: €5 million). Of this sum, €387 million was attributable to the Performance Materials segment and €76 million to the Solutions & Specialties segment. Impairment loss reversals on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets amounted to €1 million (previous year: €3 million).
The impairment losses can be attributed, in particular, to the negative changes in the economic environment, which directly and indirectly negatively affected various measurement parameters. On the one hand, when forecasting future cash flows, the negative macroeconomic developments were taken into account in the Group’s planning on which the valuation model is based, while on the other, the considerable increases in the price of raw materials and energy resulted in generally higher capital commitment, with the cost of capital as such increasing due to the rise in interest rates. As a consequence of the changed economic parameters, declining sales volume coupled with falling gross product margins was taken into account at short notice for the impaired cash-generating units of the Performance Materials segment. In the case of the TMDI cash-generating unit/the TUR goodwill-carrying unit, the anticipated sales volumes were likewise significantly reduced compared with the previous year’s planning, while it was assumed at short notice that these would remain approximately at the current fiscal year’s level, which was estimated to be significantly below the prior-year level at the valuation date. An assumption was made that raw material and energy prices would normalize across all cash-generating units in the medium term and that the market would begin to recover, this going hand in hand with a normalization of the supply and demand situation in the subsequent years. Overall, average annual volume increases in the mid-single-digit percentage range were taken into account for these cash-generating units within the detail planning period in the valuation model. For SPET, this approximately equates to a return to the precrisis level of fiscal 2021. In the case of STDI, SPET, and TUR, it was assumed that EBITDA growth would be disproportionately high compared with volume growth through the end of the detailed planning period. The assumption was made that TMDI would undergo an approximately proportionate development.
The cash-generating unit PCR was acquired as part of the acquisition of the Resins & Functional Materials business from Koninklijke DSM N.V., Heerlen (Netherlands), in 2021. The impairment loss recognized for this CGU resulted primarily from reduced business expectations compared with the acquisition date. The unit’s carrying amount was marked by the capitalization of existing customer relationships at the time of acquisition, the valuations of which were largely based on business plans founded on more positive economic parameters at the time. The negative macroeconomic developments being taken into account in the unit’s current earnings planning resulted in the recoverable amount derived from this planning no longer covering the carrying amount, which was largely based on more positive business expectations. Average annual volume increases in the mid-single-digit percentage range and above-average EBITDA growth were taken into account for the detailed planning period.
The carrying amount of the CA business entity includes a considerable proportion of goodwill valued at €535 million. The annual impairment testing was based on a detailed planning period of three years, in which it was assumed that there would be volume increases in the mid- to high-single-digit percentage range and above-average EBITDA growth. A key planning assumption made was that the current economic crisis would be overcome by 2025. In view of the high degree of uncertainty regarding future business performance, alternative planning calculations were also taken into account in the review of CA’s goodwill. On the one hand, it was assumed that the overall economy would recover more slowly, especially in EMLA, and that energy and raw material costs would rise, with corresponding effects on sales volumes, investment behavior, and profitability. On the other hand, a scenario was imagined in which the energy and raw material costs would normalize more quickly than generally expected and the current economic crisis would have less of a negative impact on sales volumes. In each scenario, there was an everlasting assumption of a level which was representative of CA based on the original business and earnings plans, representing the long-term business expectations of CA once the economic crisis has been overcome. The individual planning calculations were given probability weightings that reflect Covestro’s best estimates at the time of valuation even though the situation remains characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. No impairment loss was recognized.
Overall, management believes the estimates of the useful lives of certain assets, assumptions concerning the macroeconomic environment and developments in the industries in which the Covestro Group operates, and estimates of the discounted future cash flows to be appropriate. Changes in the assumptions or circumstances could nevertheless necessitate corrections, leading to additional impairment losses or – except in the case of goodwill – to reversals of previously recognized impairment losses if developments are contrary to expectations. In a sensitivity analysis, the assumption was made that there would be a 10% reduction in the future free operating cash flow, a 10% increase in the WACC, or a one-percentage-point reduction in the long-term growth rate for all the cash-generating units or groups of cash-generating units to which goodwill is allocated. Based on these scenarios, there would be no need to recognize an impairment loss for any of the cash-generating units or groups of cash-generating units with the exception of the cash-generating units which saw impairment losses in fiscal 2022. The same applies on the measurement date to other deviations from the assumptions used in impairment testing that were deemed possible. Nevertheless, if the gradual normalization of the economic situation assumed for the determination of the recoverable amount of the individual cash-generating units, in particular the situation on the raw material and energy markets, as well as the imbalance of global supply and demand, materially affects the recoverability of the individual cash-generating units in the next fiscal year, this may lead to reversals of impairment losses. Following recognition of the impairment losses, the recoverable amounts of the SPET, STDI and PCR cash-generating units was the same as their respective carrying amounts as of the measurement date.
Fair Value
According to IFRS 13 (Fair Value Measurement), fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability on the measurement date in an orderly transaction in what is known as the primary market or, if such is not available, in the most favorable market to which the Covestro Group has access at that time. In essence, the fair value of a liability reflects the risk of nonfulfillment.
If available, the Covestro Group calculates the fair value of a financial instrument based on quoted prices in an active market for this instrument. A market is regarded as active when transactions for the respective asset or liability take place with sufficient frequency and volume to provide regular pricing information on the reporting date.
If no quoted prices on an active market exist, measurement methods are used which maximize the use of relevant observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs. All factors taken into account by market participants in pricing such a transaction are incorporated into the relevant method of measurement.
Depending on the asset or liability category, specific information is provided about the principles for using or determining fair value. In the Covestro Group, this generally applies to items in the financial statements as well as disclosures in the notes.
Expected Credit Losses (ECL) Model
The Covestro Group calculates a risk provision for expected credit losses for the following items:
- Financial assets measured at amortized cost
- Debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
- Financial guarantees and loan commitments
- Contract assets
For financial instruments without a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, the amount of the risk provision for expected credit losses equals the credit losses expected to occur within the next 12 months. For financial instruments with a significant increase in credit risk, a risk provision is calculated in the amount of the credit losses expected over their residual maturity.
Relevant data from within and outside the company that can be obtained with reasonable effort is considered when determining whether the credit risk has increased substantially since initial recognition. For instance, the financial data of counterparties or customers, ratings, the payment histories of counterparties or customers, and forward-looking information are all assessed. It is assumed that a significant increase in credit risk has occurred when the financial asset is more than 30 days past due.
A default event has occurred when the Covestro Group comes to the conclusion that the counterparty is highly unlikely to be able to meet its payment obligations in full.
In the case of trade accounts receivable and contract assets, the amount of the risk provision is equal to the credit losses expected over their remaining term.
On each reporting date, the Covestro Group determines whether financial assets measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income are credit impaired. Indicators of possible credit impairment of a financial asset include observable data regarding the following events:
- Significant financial difficulties of the issuer or borrower
- A breach of contract, such as default or delinquency
- Concessions that Covestro makes to the borrower for financial or legal reasons relating to the financial difficulties of the borrower that it would not otherwise make
- Impending bankruptcy or other impending reorganization proceedings on the part of the borrower
- The loss of an active market for this financial asset
The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is derecognized when the Covestro Group comes to the conclusion that the counterparty is no longer able to meet its payment obligations. Following derecognition, the Covestro Group assumes that it will no longer be able to recover any significant amounts.
Noncurrent Assets and Disposal Groups Held for Sale
Noncurrent assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale are carried at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value less the costs of disposal. The costs of disposal are the additional costs incurred directly attributable to the disposal of an asset or a disposal group with the exception of financing costs and income tax expense. Disposal groups also include liabilities which are classified as held for sale. The criteria for classifying an asset or a disposal group as held for sale are only fulfilled when the sale is highly probable and the asset or disposal group may be sold immediately in its current condition. The disposal must be possible, as expected, within one year from the date of classification as a completed sale. Assets to be discontinued do not constitute assets or disposal groups held for sale.
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets classified as held for sale are not depreciated/amortized. Instead, they are recognized at fair value less the costs of disposal if this is lower than the carrying amount. After classification of an asset or disposal group as held for sale, its recoverability must be reviewed on an ongoing basis.